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Friday, May 25, 2012

My child has flat feet, what will I do?

Oftentimes, I hear this from parents and, I understand their concern that their babies' or kids' foot looks different.

What are flat feet?

Flat feet are also called pes planus. Below is a picture of a flat foot wherein the medial arch or inner border disappears during weight bearing.

An 8 month old with flat foot but arch is starting to develop.

A kid 10 years old with very low arch or the inner border of foot touching the floor when standing or when the foot is loaded.

Having flat feet is normal in babies until they are about two years old. More often than not, as parents we confused a child's fat feet with flat feet.

What causes flat foot?

Flat foot can be caused by genetic predisposition or inherited, muscle weakness and ligamentous laxity.

However, in kids who are delayed in walking, they could also have flat feet as the arches are still weak and have not fully developed.

The pictures below correspond to the same feet as above but no weight is put on it and you can visibly observe the arch.


This is called a flexible flatfoot. If the child doesn't complain of pain, it is ok but if pain develops or there is discomfort during any activities, it is  highly recommended that you see a doctor and would most likely recommend you to a physical therapist. Flat foot can also be congenital or rigid which is rare.

So,what can you do with your kid or baby with flat foot with no other conditions such as cerebral palsy,pain...

BAREFOOT....being barefoot allows our kids to develop the arches naturally. The foot is constantly challenged especially when walking  in the sand or uneven surfaces. It may not be practical most of the time but when there is an opportunity, go for it.

Tip-toeing while walking and skipping rope also helps form a natural arch for older kids, if they are already physically able to do so.

What about insoles for my kids? 

Insoles are commonly worn to help support the arches. My opinion is they are great if there is pain,discomfort that intervenes with activities but if no other concern, its not necessary. An insole supports the arch but doesn't develop it, so wearing one just weakens the arch more. And lastly, it is always good to consult a physical therapist for an evaluation.


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