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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What are the areas of a child's development?

A typical child goes through 5 areas of development. These are the following:

1) Gross Motor- this area of development deals with how a child gets to things/toys he desires by using the large muscles of of the body. This could be rolling,scooting,crawling,etc,
2) Fine Motor-is a skill of how a child uses his hands to explore,manipulate/play toys, way of holding a crayon or how they hold a spoon to eat, etc.This skill uses small muscles of the body particularly the hands..
3) Language-a baby doesn't talk right away the moment they are born. So how they communicate with their parents to get what they need is language skill. A baby's first form of "language" is crying.They cry when they are hungry, need diaper change,etc.
4) Cognitive-this is the ability of a child to process the situation surrounding him. Processing  requires learning and an appropriate response to it. An example of this skill is how a new born respond to sounds. He may have increased movement,remain still,eyes widen or shift,cry,or breathing pattern change or a typical baby of  around 6 months would already have an interest in people and objects. Babies this age would already look, listen and touch as they interact with people.
5) Social Emotional-is the ability of a child to interact with the people around him. Typically, a newborn loves to be held and cuddled frequently.Some people say, that in order not to spoil the infant child ,we shouldn't carry them when they cry. However, it is not true. When we carry and cuddle them when they cry,they are learning to trust,love and form a close relationship with parent.

On my next post, I will be discussing the Developmental Milestones as it relates to how our child develops and grows. Till then!

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